

This week’s school project is very close to Miss Molly’s heart, yet it’s one she has had an extremely difficult time getting the students excited about. Her goal is to take the students out to visit an actual thriving wetland and to get them to understand what wetlands are, why they are so important, and what role they play in our lives. Miss Molly has high hopes that when her students recognize they all have a responsibility to protect this critical gift of nature, they will do their part to protect it and also educate others about the direct and indirect impacts we all have on this resource.

Miss Molly was surprised when she approached her students with this exciting adventure and they immediately screamed, “YUCK! A stinky swamp? A marsh? A bog? NO WAY! Monsters, alligators, mosquitoes, bats, snakes and toads hide in the bog. Why would we want to visit there when we have the beautiful resources of the ocean surrounding us?”

Miss Molly took in a very big breath and explained to her students, “With a little bit of understanding and a big part of adventure, you will find these places have more to admire than to fear.” Then she urged her students, “Please put on your scientific hats and open your conversation hearts. We have so much information to share!”